Ello EQ2ers

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Ello EQ2ers

Postby Vaness » Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:42 pm

Hi Folks,

Just wanted to say hi.

I play WoW now a lot and it seems better suited for me than EQ2... Sure grafix in EQ2 are lots better, but hey cannot have everything (I admit I just wanted a Tauren hehe).

Also I played Matrix Online Beta, so for those of you interested in that game I thought I drop a note how it plays:

The game is essentially a lot like City of Heroes. You have a large city and lots of missions to do. You have however no zoning and you can even lookout windows when inside a mission and can see people on the street. The grafix is A LOT better than CoH or the screenshots, it is not quite EQ2 level but very near it if you have the machine to run at that settings.
The best thing about Matrix Online is combat. It has hands down the best close combat system I ever saw. Not even pure fighting games like latest Mortal Combat or whatever give such a Kung Fu feeling. It actually feels like as if you were really engaged in combat and you can react to every move. This combat is so intense, when I could not stay up at night to learn for my finals on the university I played 30min of beta and was so full of adrenaline I could learn for another 5 hours hehe.
Also the skill system is immense. There is so much skilling that can be done that no character has to be the same and everyone can have totally different abilities. The downside though is you can also royally gimp your character, but that is not a huge downside as you can always "reload" your skills even between missions. So some hardcore players go to the loading construct after every mission to finetune for the next one...

All in all I have to say Matrix Online is hands down the best Sci Fi MMORPG I have seen. I am not that huge of a Sci Fi and Gun Fan, else I would play retail for sure.

If you want to look me up in WoW give me a PM, I play on a german PvP server though.

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Postby Milyenu » Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:33 pm

Good to hear from you, yeah played WoW beta for a little while it sure looked like a lot of fun... :angel_transform: But hey! can't play both.


Playing a ratonga...and a druid to state the obviouse :grin: (on Mistmoore/Freeport in case you suddenly get the urge to play EQ2)
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Postby Vaness » Wed Feb 23, 2005 9:59 am

Hay Mil,

well I could say "I knew it" hehe.

I have to say WoW is more like a EQ2 playstyle wise than EQ2, therefore it suits me better, I just could not go with some of EQ2's things...
But WoW is nowhere near perfekt, but they have a lot of cash to improve it now, as even in Europe on the first day of release there were over 300k boxes sold. Even in my small town in Austria you could not get a box if you have not pre-ordered for at least 4 weeks.... Though what they have is generally bug-free and fun to play with. Also PvP adds a lot of fun. There is nothing like an expedition to the foreign lands of the Alliance to crack some heads... Also standing outside Ironforge with a level 50 Undead Priest has some coolness to it =P

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