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Greetings from the Faydark Server

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:28 pm
by Lonewolfbane
Hello all,
The name is Wolfenbane Shadow of Faydark. Thought I would drop a line and say hello. Love what you have done with the Webpage. I also enjoy the movies you have been producing, they make my day.
Does the JoKeRs have any plans on expanding and starting charter guilds on other servers?

Wolfenbane Shadow Of Faydark
49 Swashbukler
#10 on Quest Completed Faydark

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:59 pm
by Debillus
I think I'm safe to say, that we're a one-server-only guild. The way we play together and interact on our forums and ventrilo server pretty much dictates us to do stuff together, something that would be a bit hard if we were spread out over more servers than one.

But we're always happy to welcome new, dedicated Jokers should they decide to play on our server.
