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Postby Gninja » Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:47 am

News from the end of Nov...


We started out the week kind of slow ending with the weekend of slight raiding, Grinding, and a small feud over who has done the most quests…

Quests Standings are as follows:

Delpharoth is doing a great job with 113 total quests completed!

Coming in second is…

Gninja with 112!


3rd is one of our new recruits Itchy with 92!

As promised on the website we are granting an award for having the highest score on quests completed so here ya go Delpharoth!!!

Delpharoth is awarded the board title of “Quests to Muchâ€￾

Grats bro!


Monday the 22nd of Nov we had our first player to “Dingâ€￾ Level 20 and obtain their subclass… Grats Kierra, For those of you that don’t know her she is that sexy little pierced Dual Breed (Half Elf) Assassin causing all that damage to Undead’s arsses in Fallen Gate here lately. She also so happens to be on of the highest ranking damage dealers on the server… So umm… Don’t piss her off J

Through out the week we have had several others to “Dingâ€￾ Level 20 including:

Inglorion 1st to Coercer

Stampertje 1st to Inquisitor

Milyenu 1st to Warden

Onikage 1st to Shadowknight

Lladnar 1st to Necromancer

Gninja 1st to Guardian

As a reward for being so Uber! We give you a little treat from good old EQ1 --> CLICKY!


To close out the week we hooked up this Monday night and completed access quests for several of our players for Zavronn’s Tower and Bloodskull Valley. We also managed to gank The Underwurm, the flying snake thing that lives in the depths of the Pride Lake (sounds like some mix between Friday the 13th lake and the Lion King…) and Skullhammer, the named group X2 turkey. We thought this was fitting as Thanksgiving just passed so we deep fried his arss and had him with some mashed potatoes… mmmmmm.

Loot dropped form these guys were a Calcified Bone Lance from the overgrown turkey and some Winged Snake Skin boots from the Underwurm which kinda puzzled us since it had no feet. But hey when snakes can kick they have to have feet in there somewhere and if they have feet they must get cold and need boots. Both items went to guild bank for distribution later.

Here are some pics of the Underwurm...


And here are some pics of the Turkey

:jester: :turkey:
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