We've been forced to move host for this site and a couple of support sites related to the guild. This means, that in the coming period, instability and performance issues may occur.
We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to get this site and the services up in running order again as soon as possible.
Serivces that may be affected :This site and the forums should be up and running during the entire move but black outs may occur.
Images hosted on
pic.beetlejuice.dk will be temporarily hosted on my own bandwith, which is limited. Images may or may not be available until we've found permament hosting again.
Movies and other big files hosted on
hosted.beetlejuice.dk will probably be unavailable for some time during the move. My uplink bandwith is limited and we're having too much trouble making direct referal between the old domain and the new temporary hosted domain.
Until further notice.