JoKeRs Lore & Legend Movieguides - Bixies

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JoKeRs Lore & Legend Movieguides - Bixies

Postby Debillus » Tue May 17, 2005 9:05 pm

Lore & Legend, Movieguides

Our first production in this series of Lore & Legend movieguides.
You need access to the Drafling Tower inside Rivervale.

Video, 13.5 MB

The Drafling Tower is a very beautyfull zone. The original recording was done with the "Extreme Quality" setting, which is pretty much lost on the low quality version above. For that reason, a high-quality version is also available.

HQ Video, 52.2 MB

Please do NOT link directly to the video files off-site. However you are free to copy the flicks to your own server and make them available from there (in their unmodified form).

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Postby Gninja » Sun May 22, 2005 5:06 pm

Good job guys :)
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