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You have no excuse for not understanding me now!

Postby Flobdeth » Tue Jul 24, 2007 7:20 pm

Doric to English (fit iver that is)

Aabody - Everybody
Aathing (pronounced, aa hin)- Everything
Aff - Off
Affa - Awfully
Aifter - After
Aneth - Underneath or below
Anither - Another
Atween - Between
Aye - Yes
Aye-aye min - Hello
Baith - Both
Bairn - A baby or young child
Banter - To gossip or chat away or have a friendly tease
Ben - Down or through
Bide - Stay
Black Affrontit - Embarrassed
Bleeter - To talk aimlessly
Bosie - A cuddle or hug
Brakk - Break
Braw - Good, great
Bydand - Steadfast (The motto for the Gordon Highlanders)
Caul - Cold
Claik - Gossip
Claes - clothes
Clart - To put too much on something (also farm manure)
Clarty - Dirty
Coorse - Coarse, to bully, be bad, difficult or nasty or to torment someone
Craiter - Creature
Deid - Dead
Dinna - Don't
Dinna Fash Yersel - Do not fuss yourself
Div - Do
Divnae - Do not
Doon aboot the mou - Fed up, depressed
Dreich - Cold, wet and windy
Drookit - Drenched, soaking
Een - One
Eese - Use
Eneuch - Enough
Fa's - Who
Far Hiv Ye Bin? - Where have you been?
Fash - Trouble
Feart - Afraid
Feel - Daft
Fin - When
Fit - How
Fitbaa - Football
Fit Like - Hello, how are you?
Fit Wye - Why
Fitya dee'in? - What are you doing?
Fleg - Fright
Foo's yer doos - How are you doing
Forfauchan/Forfochan - Exhausted
Futtret - Weasel or Stoat (But Not Ferret)
Gads - Horrible, Yucky
Galshiks and Smacherry (Sma-herry) - both referred to the practice of buying lots of little sweets like Sports Mixtures, Bananas, Milk Mice, Milky or Caramel Chews, Aniseed Balls etc. from the local paper "shoppy"
Ganzie - Sweater, Jumper or Cardigan
Gaun - Going
Ging - Go
Gipe - Stupid (also spelt Gype)
Guddle - Mess
Hale - Whole
Heid - Head
Ill Tricket - Up to tricks
Ingins - Onions
Iver - Ever
Jis - Just
Joco - Happy, Pleased with oneself
Ken - Know
Loon - Boy
Maist - Most
Mare - more
Messages - Shopping
Min (mannie) - Man
Mockit - Needs a good wash
Mony - Many
Nae - No
Nae Wye - Nowhere
Neuk - Corner
Neen - None
Neep - Turnip
Nivver - Never
Nivver fash - Do not worry
Puckle - A few
Pucklie - A small amount
Quine - Girl
Richt - Right
Rikkin - Smoking or steaming
Sair - Sore
Scaffie - A binman, collector of rubbish and trash
Scutter - Delay
Semmitt and draa'ers - Vest and pants (trousers, not the american pants :tongue: )
Skelpit - Slapped or smacked
Sotter - Mess
Spik - Speak
Spikin - Speaking
Spew - Vomit
Stammygaster - Astonishment
Steen - Stone
Stocious - Drunk
Stooshie - A fuss
Stot - To bounce
Stotter - Beautiful
Sup - A small amount of liquid
Swicking - Cheating
Telt - Told
Teuchter - Someone who lives in the countryside
The Morn - Tomorrow, In the morning
Thocht - Thought
Toon - Town
Toonser - Someone who lives in the town such as Aberdeen City
Trachled Exhausted
Twaa - Two
Un'erstn - Understand
Waabit - Tired
Wifie - Woman
Wintit - Wanted
Yersel - Yourself

Hope this clears up everything I say on Vent now :-D you have been warned

Deb has some of these sussed

Noo, Git in ma belly :)

There will be a quiz later in the week :twisted:
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Postby Kalten » Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:33 am

omg... im gonna die...
Kalten... Just a name :)
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