just a lil joke.....

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just a lil joke.....

Postby Stimphy » Fri May 23, 2008 7:25 pm

Roy gets home late one night and, Kitty, his wife says, 'Where in the hell have you been?'

Roy replies, 'I was out getting a tattoo.'

''A tattoo?' she frowned. 'What kind of tattoo did you get?''

'I got a hundred dollar bill on my privates,' he said proudly.

'What the hell were you thinking?' she said, shaking her head in disgust. 'Why on earth would a
retired person get a hundred dollar bill tattooed on his privates?'

''Well, one, I like to watch my money grow. Two, once in a while I like to play with my money. Three, I like how money feels in my hand. And, lastly, instead of you going out shopping, you can stay right here at home and blow a hundred bucks anytime you want.'

Roy is recovering in room 233 at the local hospital.

Save a Horse.........Ride a Gnome :D
> Studmuffin
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