Old thread on the eq2 forums
The Lurk Factor
So are you a creepy lurker? Plug your numbers into this formula, they higher your number, the less creepy you are. Click on your name to get the appropriate data (hover over the starts on the "ratings given" section to get the exact number).
(# of posts)/(# of message views)*(average rating given)
User Statistics
Date Registered 11-22-2004 02:29 AM
Date Last Visited 04-22-2005 07:21 AM
Total Posts 92
Average Message Rating
Average Message Rating Given
Total Page Views 10015
Total Messages Read 45381
Total Board Views 2400
Total Logins 495
Total Minutes Online 5680
92/45381*4= 0,0081091205570613252242127762720081
that's pretty bad