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What goes around comes around...

Postby Gninja » Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:04 pm

A dad and his son are out on a boat fishing... they have been there a few hours and the dad reaches into a cooler and pulls out a nice cold beer. He pops the lid off it and takes a big long drink. The son looks at his dad and says, "Dad, Can I have a drink?" His dad replies, "Son you are only 15... Well let me ask you this... How big is your dick?" The son is a little confused... and the dad says "Well can your dick touch your asshole?" The son thinks for a second and replies, "Well no, dad" So the dad then says, "Well son when your dick can touch your asshole you will be old enough to have a beer with me"

A few hours go by and the dad pulls out some chewing tobacco. The same basic scenario follows... The son asks to have some, the dad asks him if his dick can touch his asshole, and the son replies no. The dad once again says when your dick can touch your asshole you can have some chewing Tobacco.

Well Father and Son are done fishing and they stop by a gas station to get some drinks. The son gets a Cola and twists the cap off to see he has won 10 million dollars! Extatic the son runs out to where the dad is filling up the car yelling "I WON I WON!!"

The dad starts to get excited too jumping up and down with the son. The dad then says, "Well mr millionaire! Are you going to buy me a new fishing boat now?" The son replies, "Well dad can your dick touch your asshole?" The dad laughs and says "Why yes son it can!!!" to which the son replies, "THEN GO FUCK YOURSELF!"
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