for all the wives out there

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for all the wives out there

Postby jarann » Sat Apr 01, 2006 1:07 pm

i know its been a long while since i dropped a joke here , but this ones for the wives ..

a lady walks into a home depot and starts shopping , after a hour or so ,she brings her stuff to the checkout , the cashier scans her items and gives her the total saying cash or charge ? the lady says charge and proceeds to get her plastic out of her purse . while digging in her purse out pops a remote controll, the cashier asks , do you always keep a remote in your purse or do you need batteries for it ? the lady resonds ,
oh no , i wanted my husband to come with me, but he was being an ass, so i did the most evilest thing i could do to him leagally !!

who's going to be the first to try ???? :)

paul ( aka jarann - old.old joker )
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