Sweet I scored good. You scored 28 hotness, 38 sexuality, 37 self esteem, and 29 confidence!
you sex pot!!! Congratualations you are the biggest sex pot in town... you have a hint of gayness in you, so be sure to experiment with the opposite sex
Although whoever made the test needs spell checker ha ha
You scored 21 hotness, 27 sexuality, 35 self esteem, and 31 confidence! you sex pot!!! Congratualations you are the biggest sex pot in town... you have a hint of gayness in you, so be sure to experiment with the opposite sex
You scored 21 hotness, 26 sexuality, 33 self esteem, and 29 confidence! you sex pot!!! Congratualations you are the biggest sex pot in town... you have a hint of gayness in you, so be sure to experiment with the opposite sex