Stoner Jungle

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Stoner Jungle

Postby Kierra » Wed Apr 11, 2007 6:20 pm

A lizard is walking through the jungle and happens upon a monkey sitting in a tree smoking a big fat joint. He calls up to the monkey....

"Hey.... what are you doing?"

The monkey replies, "getting fucked up, you wanna join me?"

The lizard thinks about it for a second and then says, "yeah sure, why not"

So the monkey and the lizard smoke the joint together, until the lizard says "Dude I have cotton mouth, I need to go down to the river and get a drink."

The monkey just shrugs and the lizard stumbles out of the tree and down to the river.

Reaching the river the lizard is soooooo stoned he falls in right as a crocodile is passing who scoops up the lizard and sets him back on the bank then asks "what the hell is wrong with you?"

The lizard proceeds to tell the crocodile about the monkey in the tree smoking a fatty joint.

The crocodile does not beleive him and says he needs to go check it out for himself.

So the crocodile is waddling through the jungle and he finally reaches the tree the monkey is in and looks up. Sure enough the monkey is still there and still getting stoned.

He calls up to the Monkey "Dude what are you doing?"

The monkey who is startled by the question looks down and yells "DUDE HOW MUCH WATER DID YOU DRINK!!!!"
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Postby Medeena » Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:26 am

Medeena Moonglow
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