Just wanted to..

Hi there... Want to say hello to us .. or have anything else you just want to say .. feel free!

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Just wanted to..

Postby Grimshaw » Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:49 pm

Swing by and say Hello! =) I am interested in joining up with a guild that raids on a lil more humane times that what an US guild does, and of course a nice one as well ( since I am a nice guy *smiles* ). Getting up at 06am after u stopped raiding at 05.30 just ain't gonna cut it heh..

And I actually have a need of introducing myself anyhow ;)

29 yrs of age, living in sweden, gf + kiddo. hardworking ( some might say not :P ) and love to play EQ2. I have done a few raids whenever there were spots opened and time wasn't a pain in the *** *grins*.

I just simply want to get to know a fine guild, with friendly peeps to have a good time with, and that raids 4-5 times a week or sumtin like that.

Since there will be a checkup on my char on eq2players I won't post whatever alts and equip I have, that will show I guess heh..

And just a FYI this is not an application as of yet ( have not posted wrong I promise =) ) I just wanted to drop by and say Hello! *smiles*

Yours sincerely

80 Zerkie and an army of alts, and one happeeh swedish dude!
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Postby Flutterflies » Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:03 pm

please post in our application forum and answer the required questions. look forward to seeing your app
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Postby Gninja » Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:13 pm

I will admit we do not raid that often (usually once or twice a week) but we raid with somewhat of an alliance called "The Pub" if interested let us know :)
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Postby Medeena » Mon Apr 07, 2008 7:25 pm

I had the pleasure of chatting to Grimshaw earlier. its lovely to see you come and say hello. If you have any more questions feel free to ask in game or on the boards.

I explained about the pub alliance and all the crazy guildies heehee :)
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Postby Purgatoris » Tue Apr 08, 2008 3:09 pm

We aren't crazy... we aren't normal, but we aren't crazy either... well okay, FB has some quirks... and well Dee, well you just got to know her... and Gninja, oops he's the boss... can't forget Will's um...

Okay, okay... maybe we are a bit crazy, but thanks for saying hello.
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Postby Debillus » Tue Apr 08, 2008 10:59 pm

Hey Grim,

Happy to see you about, feel free to take a look around, check out The Pub and hang out if you want to. We have a good bunch of both European and Scandinavian players in Jokers, some of which (If I read the map correctly) live just about where you do.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have about Jokers or The Pub and I'll be happy to answer them.

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