Test Update #14a - September 22, 2005

Patch messages for Test and the Live servers

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Test Update #14a - September 22, 2005

Postby Debillus » Fri Sep 23, 2005 10:17 am

*** Headlines ***

- Try your luck at the Gigglegibber Goblin Gamblin' Game!
- No more run speed reduction with stealth and invisibility!
- Many UI windows got a new look!

*** The Gigglegibber Goblin Gamblin' Game ***

- Fun-seeking tricksters calling themselves the "Gigglegibber Goblins" have been spotted recently selling tickets for a gamblin' game.
- 6 numbers are chosen, 1-50. If your 6 numbers match the winning numbers, you get the jackpot!
- The jackpot grows larger as more people play.
- Tickets for the game cost 1 silver each.
- Match 2, and you win 2 silver.
- Match 3, and you win 5 silver.
- Match 4, and you win 25 silver.
- Match 5, and you win 2.5 gold.
- Match all 6 and you win the jackpot!

*** Stealth and Invisibility ***

- The run speed debuff associated with stealth and invisibility spells has been removed.
- The concentration cost of stealth and invisibility spells has been removed.
- The duration of group stealth and invis spells is being increased to 10 minutes.
- Run speed buffs (including horses) will suspend while stealthed or invisible.
- Run speed debuffs will still apply their movement penalty while stealthed or invisible.

*** UI Window Enhancements ***

- Many windows now have a sharper look. These include:
* Character Creation
* Knowledge Book
* Inventory
* Trade
* Loot
* Bank
* Guild Bank
* Zone Selection
* Revive

*** Desert of Flames ***

- Gnomes in plate should now have an easier time climbing.

- Genies will now have varied colors in their ethereal particles.
- Tornados will now appear a little more menacing.

*** The Bloodline Chronicles ***

- The D'Morte Burial Chambers and Delving into the Darkness are now more solo friendly.

*** Gameplay ***

- You will no longer be able to ride a flying mount (griffin or flying carpet) while casting a spell.
- Duel losses will no longer contribute to your total death count.

*** Quests ***

- Sage Indis Surion and Sage Navarius Orvalis now sell the newer versions of the catalog and mastery tomes to players who have already completed these quests.
- You will now be rewarded for the completion of "Kallon's Vengeance" and "Caravan Lost."
- Journal information and minor changes were made to the Stormhold quests "Bolt-Streaked Cuirass," "Haunted Helm," "Rumble," "Virtue Belt" and "Vigilance."
- A new version of the Drafling Tower quest "Deadly Stinger" is available.
- "Trinkets of the Dead" in Nektropos Castle now requires Thexian diplomats instead of Sheila's Handmaiden.
- After slaying Scout Captain Underwood for Jaeta in Nektulos, he will no longer attack you.
- Enemies in the Lair of the Necromancer will now be a little less deadly.

*** Zones and Population ***

- Killing grey con creatures will now affect your faction standing.
- Raid targets for the Deception quest have been slightly lowered in level to be in line with combat changes.

*** Items ***

- The Wand of Ice will now cast properly.

*** Tradeskills ***

- Warring Conviction, Purifying Flames, Wintry Cold, Bolt of Storms, Arctic Flames, and Fuliginous Tendrils are now found in the level 51 recipe books.
- Noxious Bolt is now a level 29 recipe instead of 30.
- Discretionary Flow is now a level 27 recipe instead of 30.
- Nullification is now a level 24 recipe instead of 30.
- Miasma is now a level 25 recipe instead of level 28.
- Dark Emanations is now a level 31 recipe instead of 33.
- The Summoner's Mark line of spells for Summoners, Conjurers, and Necromancers are now included in the correct recipe scrolls for level 28/42/56 sages.
- Fear should now be included in the level 24 sage recipe scrolls.
- Aqueous Stalkers should now be included in the level 24 sage recipe scrolls.
- Poisonous Veil should now be included in the level 20 sage recipe scrolls.
- All Apprentice II, III, IV and Adept III spell scroll icons are now visually consistent.
- Broadcloth Yarn and Broadcloth Thread have been removed from Tailor Essentials Volume 30, since they already exist in Volume 29.
- Roasted Rolled Oats and Rolled Oat Malt have been removed from Provisioner Essentials Volume 30, since they already exist in Volume 29.
- Rock Blast is now in Volume 15 of the Advanced and Essentials Scholar recipe books.
- Summoner's Mark is now Volume 15 of Advanced and Essentials Scholar recipe books.
- The consumable Pasta has been removed from tradeskill merchants.
- The Spellbinder's Sconce should no longer show appear as a pink box.

*** Art ***

- Zombie Illusion forms will no longer display your equipped items.
- Fiery hand trails that appear while casting spells will now work on non-humanoids.
- Ice particles should now be visible in all environments.

*** Commands, Controls, and User Interface ***

- Spell and Combat Art icons will now tint bright blue when you do not have sufficient power to cast them. The color can be changed in Options > User Interface > Game Colors > Low Power Indicator.
- /clear_hotkey_bank will now clear the specified hotbar.
- Crash issues related to the Group, Guild, and Chat windows have been fixed.

*** UI Files Modified ***

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