by Delph » Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:38 am
Debillus wrote:Off Topic ::: (Delph started)
If that's what you choose to believe then peace be with it. Rabobank could have (should have) chosen to do something about that PRIOR to the tour where they already had all the details, or not at all.. Pulling the yellow jersey (with a clean test sheet, after the tour start and WAY after he was fined and reprimanded) from the race is probably gonna be the final blow to to Le Tour. Not saying Rasmussen is innocent, but incompetence obviously reigns in more ranks than the riders.
Now, Back On Topic
Off topic 2..
I totaly agree with you on this one, it's almost certain that they already knew about this before the Tour but for some reason they wait with taking any action till they are in the middle of the most important 3 weeks of the year. Then under pressure of the french witchhunt (who can't take it there haven't been a frenchman in the top 10 for ages) they decide to fire him...
This must be really tough for Rasmussen who should have won this year but don't forget his team mates who have working their butts of to get Rasmussen there and basicaly this decision made all of their hard work meaningless.
I would have understood if his team mates quit the tour as well...
** Now back on topic, "Flat-footed water pushers"??? WTF Debby?
Last edited by
Delph on Fri May 14, 2010 10:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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