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Postby Elfenlied » Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:53 am

Hi there.

I was just stopping by to tell you all that, from time to time, the memories in my head take over and bring me back to the old times.

Time flies and life goes fast and faster. Jokers was a time in my life i will never forget. Even if it was/is just a game, the people behind the characters were/are real. And thats what made Jokers a unforgettable experience for me: YOU.

I now have a new life.

I put all of my "former" life literaly in a safe and locked it up good. But one thing manages to escape from there from time to time: Jokers and the people i met here...

Call it magic, call it whatever. I cant describe or explain why this happens. But I don't want to miss those memories.

I hope that you fine people all do fine. Of course I lost track what happened in the meantime. Hell, I don't even know if somebody is here that even remembers me. But I guess this site would be dead if there wasnt somebody, who knows me...maybe...

Maybe one or another could give an update what happed to/with one or another. Good or bad.

I don't know what else to write. So i better finish here...

Take care all.

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Postby Gninja » Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:21 pm

Heya Jan how could we forget you? :) And no that is not said in a bad way. There are a bunch of us still hangin around but the majority of that folks that were around when you were here have all but moved on. Myself, Flutterbye, Jaze, and Loki are prob the only faces you might remember that still actively play in Jokers. A bunch moved to another server.
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Postby Dredh » Mon Mar 22, 2010 6:23 pm

Desmona, Wolfen and I are still here, too. We might have had only a short overlap in time with you in Jokers but I am very happy we have met at Kalten's place. That gathering was one intense moment in time and I still ponder your words on either playing with conviction or not playing at all.

I wish you all the best and still hope to meet you again some day, as it seems probably not in game but maybe in real life. But who knows, after a full turn of the circle you might end up playing in this guild again. :)
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Postby Karmha » Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:11 pm

Well i'm one of the ones that moved on to another server for the simple reason of more raiding.
Hope all is well with u hun and good to see i'm not the only one getting nostalgic now and then!
/big hugs
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Postby Medeena » Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:26 pm

Hi Jan, Lovely to see you posting here.

Jokers has a great bunch of people and so many great memories.

Im at a scary part of my lilfe where I do not have a subscription for ANY online game... Crazy huh!

Anyway I hope you and your family are well. *hugs*
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Postby Linnea » Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:19 am

Who what where?????


How can you ever think that you would be forgoten.
Nice to hear that youre alive and well. I wish you well with youre new life.

Im on a semipermament afk due to RL, I think that goes for the rest of the swedish guys and gal to...

If you ever think of going north contact us (I think you still have mine and rougs phonenumbers)

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Postby Delph » Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:30 am

Same feelings here...

I find myself coming back every now and then just to check on you guys, to see if you all are finally playing a more decent game! ;-)

It wouldn't surprise me if we would meet again in some other MMORPG besides EQ2. For those impatient ones add me on PSN (Delphar) for a game of MW2 or BFBC2.

Love :)
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Postby Rougad » Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:52 pm

Oh crap! he found us... :grin:

It's so nice to see you are still around m8 and that you got one of those "lives" that people keep talking about. I never understood what they are.

Me and Marie are working / going to school waaay to much, so we usually fall asleep on the couch when we get home, so we are not playing anymore, and we still dont have a life ...gdi i fail on life.
When Star Wars the old republic goes live i have to find some time tho as i have been waiting for years to play it...
We are doing good though and we miss you, but i think you already knew that.

I still have the same cellphone number in case you want to text me or call :) I prolly wont answer calls tho as its so noisy in the truck that i usually fail to hear the damned thing or its turned off or on quiet most of the time when i try to sleep, but i always read text messages.

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Postby Elfenlied » Sat Mar 27, 2010 1:50 pm


Good to see that many guys of you are still out there and doing more or less good.

I sadly have to tell that my old Cellphone broke down and with it all the phone numbers and so on were gone and i wasnt able to recover a single number or contact. Never had that with pen and paper...

But feel free to send me a PM here with your numbers and be sure i will send you a message or two... Or call you at 3am... :-P

Gamewise I am not playing any MMORPG so far. After EQ2 i tried out Age of Conan and Warhammer but canceled after 2 month or so. You can catch me while playing Modern Warfare 2 or Battlefield Bad Company 2. But thats not the same to me like EQ2.
I also have a Playstation 3 since 3 Weeks now and i have to say that this was the best buy since years. Having so much fun with it and the games.
So if you have one, too, you may add me. My ID is Scarcut on the PS-Network.
But could be you catch my new Wife playing on my account too, so if i answer in strange ways, it could be her. :-)

See you all later!

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Postby Linnea » Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:28 pm

But could be you catch my new Wife playing on my account too, so if i answer in strange ways, it could be her. :-)

Last edited by Linnea on Fri May 14, 2010 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Elfenlied » Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:13 pm

Linnea wrote:
But could be you catch my new Wife playing on my account too, so if i answer in strange ways, it could be her. :-)


Yeah, you know me... ;-)
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