The Coming of the Frogloks

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The Coming of the Frogloks

Postby Delph » Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:25 am

We know that many of you have been anxiously awaiting the chance to play a froglok character. As we announced before launch, we decided to tie the availability of the frogloks into a major game-changing event. Since some of you have been searching for clues about how to unlock the froglok race, we wanted to provide an update on their availability and pass along a bit of insider info on what's about to come.

After making the decision to hold back the frogloks at launch, we gave our art team some extra time to enhance their animations and armor appearances. Since frogloks are the most distinct race from a physical perspective, they require handcrafted animations to take full advantage of their unique characteristics. To accomplish this, we decided to delay them a bit longer so we could release them in the most polished manner possible.

This also gave our Live Events team the chance to plan something really cool for their unveiling. I'm pleased to report that the live event for May is going to be the unleashing of the frogloks!

Players will be able to complete solo quests that allow them to play froglok characters on their own EverQuest II account. Unlocking the race for the whole server will involve the completion of an elaborate series of quests that culminate in an epic raid zone event that will challenge even the most seasoned adventurers. This is your chance to defeat the evil force that has kept the froglok spirit imprisoned for so long.

As part of Live Update #8, scheduled to hit the live servers the week of May 2, players will be receiving new animation files for the frogloks. This will kickoff the beginning of the froglok live event.

We realize some of you froglok fans out there would have preferred to receive this information sooner, but we decided to stay quiet until the Live Events team had finished their planning. We think the wait will be worth it, and players will have a lot of fun participating in this major event.
EverQuest II Community Guy

looks like SOE pulls another "Jedi". This sucks cuz they said they could be unlocked so alot of people put a lot of energy into finding this quest. Even Gninja spend many hours in Oakmyst forest :-D
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Postby Debillus » Thu Apr 14, 2005 7:50 am

Even Gninja spend many hours in Oakmyst forest

Bah... He had a field day grabbing shineys under the nose of halfling newbies ... just admit it =)
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