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For all our cross dressers :)

Postby Delph » Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:07 pm

From the SOE boards:


First of all, let me define "Mangina" Mangina is a male playing a female character in game that swears HE is female in real life. Once you are "found out" that you are male, you are no longer a mangina, you are then considered severely disturbed.

Ok, on to the list :

#10 - If they use the emote /giggle more than once every 2 minutes.

#9 - If when asked if they are female in real life they say ""looks down", yup I am female"

#8 - Claim to be pregnant (why is it every mangina is always pregnant!)

#7 - If they are a Female with a name referencing death (i.e. Morbiddeath, Gravespit etc)

#6 - If their in game name is a common real life female name (this is a DEAD give away.. no real female is gonna make their in game name Tina, Jennifer, Karen etc etc)

#5 - Make any references in any chat channel as to their menstrual cycle.

#4 - When asked if they want to chat on the phone or with a chat program they claim they either dont have a phone or their Mic is broken.

#3 - If they post a pic of themselves and you saw it the previous day on a porno site.

#2 - If they STRAFE as opposed to turning and moving

#1 - If they play a Female Dark Elf Shadowknight
Last edited by Delph on Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Gninja » Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:14 pm

Um delph... You got a boot in your mouth... Flobbit is a Male Halfling
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Postby Flobdeth » Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:22 pm

HELLO!! flobbit is a male assling! how the hell in anyway does this refer to me?? all my chars are male for that matter!

Thats not even remotely funny to me, I seriously do not see anything in there that could refer to any of my chars!

FYI Flobbit to me means bit of flob, as he is only 1/2 the size!


Flobbit DeHobbit (MALE hobbit)

Flobdeth Redhammer (MALE barb)

Tonedeth Redhammer (MALE barb)

Dethbe Comesyou (MALE DE)
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Postby Delph » Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:36 pm

who made that female toon then? wasn't it flob? ohwell, changed title sorry obut that flob, guess you don't wanna do nek castle anymore eh? :(
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Postby Gninja » Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:58 pm

You mean Flobita? that was Flutter messing with Flob
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Postby Flutterflies » Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:29 pm

It was flobina and it was actually a female barb. But the only people who i told was flob, q, kierra and gnin
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Postby Schaalyr » Wed Apr 27, 2005 12:04 am

Hey now! I resemble that last statement Delph, but at least I'm not wearing a dress like some others =P
I am so smart! S-M-R-T!
I mean S-M-A-R-T!

Out to see be gone for a while =(
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